How I help companies
I believe companies should be able to achieve profit AND transform the world without spending their entire budget on a consultant.
I bring you my insider corporate understanding, my nonprofit roots, and a mindful leadership approach.
Together, we simplify the complexities of corporate impact work and make it a reality!
*If you are a social enterprise wanting help to get grants, head over to the “Work with me: For NGOs” section of the website!
Are you in a corporate leadership role and you want to not just drive profit but also know you are making the world a better place?
Maybe you are a CSR, ESG, responsible sourcing, sustainability or impact director and your team has a great idea but you don’t have the bandwidth to support them on it.
Or maybe you are in the sourcing, marketing or HR team and you want to make your corporate sustainability statement a reality in your department.
Or maybe you are in charge of Employee Resource Groups and need an expert consultant to accompany the ERGs to make their ideas reality.
Or maybe you are in the marketing team and are afraid of publicizing your great impact out of fear of being accused of greenwashing, pinkwashing, or socialwashing.
Or maybe you are in the C-Suite and are ready to move your company from one-off CSR activities to really impact the Sustainable Development Goals.
I guide high-performing corporate teams that want to achieve real impact. And that want to know they, not an outsourced consulting firm, made that impact.
Organizations I have supported

Service A: Purpose & Profit Deep Dive
Have a seed of an idea for making a positive impact through your company, but don’t know how to make it a reality? This 2-week engagement will give you a clear path forward to grow that seed of an idea into a tangible project.
I get you to this clarity through:
- Taking a high-level look at your project idea, business context & alignment, social impact potential and feasibility.
- Having a deep-dive session with you
- Giving you a rapid assessment of the project concept and a hyper-practical roadmap with your critical next 5 steps to make your corporate social impact a reality
Investment US$1,500
If you want this, let’s have a quick call to make sure it is right for your company.
Elisabetta Piazza, Sustainability Senior Specialist
Mediterranean Shipping Company
“Shoshana's support was crucial to kick-off our early-stage social impact project. I absolutely recommend other companies get Shoshana’s support.”
Francoise Cardoso, Sustainable Health & CSR Director
“From 1 to 10, we would rate the support we received from Shoshana a 10.”
Vashtie Dookiesingh, Lead Specialist
Inter-American Development Bank
"Shoshana will be an asset to any organization both in her technical contributions … as well as in forging a high performing team. She is focused, results oriented, and has excellent communications skills."
Service B: 12-month Profit+Purpose Start to Finish
To take your social impact initiative from idea to pilot.
Do you feel:
- Unsure how to make your corporate impact commitment a reality?
- Concerned that your competitors are becoming good corporate citizens and you are missing the boat?
- Uneasy that no one on your team is an expert in designing for impact?
- Uncertain if your ESG, CSR or sustainability initiatives will achieve both business and social impact?
- Unclear how to design an impactful initiative that won’t require a high level of resources for the indefinite future?
- Frustrated that your ESG, CSR or sustainability budget is too small to hire the consulting firms you usually work with?
Get ready for it all to feel different
By having a social and economic impact coach by your side! With my support you will:
See the path forward for designing and launching your initiative
Get visibility of the things you don’t know you don’t know
Design a strong initiative
Have confidence in your initiative
Find the perfect implementing partners
Find partners excited to co-fund your initiative
Develop a powerful pitch and rock it
…and, at the end of the day, do good in the world, improve your corporate brand, and get recognized for great work.
What you will get
LIVE training and co-creation sessions
Up to 15 sessions over the year
Project design materials
Easy worksheets, templates and done-for-you materials
Hands on support
And personalized feedback from me as you design each part of the initiative.
How it works
You get my nonprofit and for profit expertise + my connections.
This means you get tailored, hands-on support and curated resources to design a robust value proposition and revenue model for your impact initiative. Additionally, I guide the strategic partnerships you need to fund and operate your initiative. Throughout, I walk the path with you.
Whether you want to create powerful social and economic impact in you supplier communities or customer segments, or energize your ERGs towards the Sustainable Development Goals, I’ve got you. Pus, we´ll have some fun along the way.
The method
Get the right team on board the project
Clarity and confidence
Identify which of your business challenges can be solved through social or economic impact
Get clear on the impact you are aiming for by talking to potential beneficiaries, developing your project’s value proposition and defining impact KPIs)
Develop your project’s revenue model and define business KPIs
Engage your stakeholders by mapping your target stakeholders, designing a robust partnership strategy (be it with government, non-profit organiations or others), perfecting your pitch and then reaching out
Learn about the different financing strategies available to you, define which financing strategies you will go after, and then start activating them
Create the strategy and materials for your project to inspire consumers and clients
Done-for-you resources to shortcut the path, including:
Checklist for successful partnerships
Indicator cheat sheet
Funder spectrum cheat sheet
Pitch template
Pitching tips
Stakeholder relationship checklist
Let’s make sure you are ready to be successful
Do you have an internal champion for this project idea?
Do you a team member who will be able to put in the hours to make this idea a reality? (Minimum 3 hours/week)
Both of these are critical to bring your impact idea to fruition.
The investment
US$12,000 total for the 12-month engagement
+ Optional US$6,000 Hands On Booster if you would like to have your impact indicators and pitch deck developed for you and potential operational and funding partners identified for you.
If you want this, let’s have a call to make sure it is right for your company.
Nathalie Bernard, Founder
Blue Sowers
“I really enjoyed working with Shoshana as she brought her robust on-the-ground experience from emerging countries … she keeps the focus and delivers the expected results with efficiency, openness and eagerness to share knowledge."
Alexandra Spieldoch
Bountifield International
“Wow. Your feedback on our pitch deck was so helpful!!”
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
“The Mediterranean Shipping Company was 100% satisfied with your guidance, expertise and delivery of materials.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Three things stand out:
1. My roots are from the nonprofit world, which means that first and foremost I make sure that corporate impact is grounded in the voices and needs of the community. From there, I layer on corporate priorities and materiality.
2. As a meditator and yogi, I bring a mindful leadership approach to all my work– thoughtfulness, kindness and optimism.
3. I simplify the complexities inherent in this work into something very manageable and doable.
I have 15 years of experience working across the for-profit impact space and the not-for-profit space. Over these years, I have:
Worked with milk and fresh produce value chains, as well as in diversity initiatives and social marketing campaigns.
Worked on SDGs 1-8, 10-13, 16 and 17.
Had first-hand experience in multinational corporations (ex. Danone), in non-profit project management, communications and fundraising (ex. in Mexico) and in marginalized communities (ex. rural Ecuador).
Social and economic impact are my jam, no matter what angle you come at them from, and I have trained and coached companies from Europe to the United States to Latin America.
I bring this full perspective to respond to what you need, and I have the humility to ask questions when there is a part of your business I am unfamiliar with.
I am passionate about companies building the internal expertise to design their own projects.
That said, I recognize that there are some instances where bandwidth limitations simply make this impossible. For those cases, I offer the “Hands On Booster”, to take off your plate key tasks in project design, like defining your impact indicators, developing your pitch deck, and identifying potential operational and funding partners. Let me know if you are interested in this additional level of support.
With over a decade of experience fundraising for impact projects, I will absolutely guide and support you in getting your project funded. Once we have designed a fundable project, we will together identify the right funding strategy, and then identify potential co-funders and develop a great pitch for you to use right away. And along the way, if I know funders that I think will be excited about this kind of project, I will absolutely connect you.
Today, more and more, foundations and bilateral funders are excited to fund corporate impact projects. Do keep in mind that funders will always expect you to co-finance a significant portion of the project, particularly for the pilot stage.
My experience has shown that external PMs have limited capacity to move the levers within a company necessary for any project to advance. For this reason, I never serve as the project manager, and strongly recommend you have a mid-level manager in this role.
No, this is not my area of expertise.
No. Things like analyzing your supply chain data, defining your corporate ESG metrics, and defining the best calculation to determine your adjusted gender pay gap are outside my areas of expertise.