What to do if you are stuck figuring out the right next step
This month, I have been working a lot with NGOs in the US and Bangladesh, getting clear on who their perfect-fit-funders are and the most powerful way to talk to funders about their work.
That has been the right next step for them. Do you know what your next right step is?
Often, we don’t. And that is the biggest thing stopping us from reaching our goals.
Two weeks ago, I spoke with an NGO that is building water access in South Africa and last week I spoke with an NGO catalyzing youth leaders across Central America. Both of them are doing critical work. And they have walked steep learning curves to raise the couple-hundred-thousand-dollar budget they’ve each secured.
Huge achievements! Their executive directors didn’t come in with fundraising experience and they have learned massive amounts along the way.
Now they want to grow their fundraising further, and they don’t know what the best next step is to do that.
Like I shared with these organizations, here is what I suggest if you are stuck on what the right next step is for your fundraising:
Look at your to-do list and circle the 3 activities you think will advance you the farthest and fastest toward your fundraising goal.
Then put next to each one if you have the skills, tools and knowledge to do that activity well.
If you do, awesome. And if you don’t, jot down what you need in order to do it well.
Then identify what would be the right step to get those things you need.
(Shout out to Krissy Leonard for having shared with me this really effective and simple way to identify the right next step).
NEXT, I’d love to hear from you...
Find me here on LinkedIn and let me know what came through. What do you need and what is the right step you are going to take to get it?